
Phone: (928)-600-2172

Tax Credit


​​Go to this website and choose the school, select Disc Golf, then add the amount and any instructions you have for the use of the credit.

​​If you would like to receive regular updates on what exciting things are coming up and how your donation is being used, please head over to the                           and fill out the form.

The Public School Tax Credit allows individuals or families to shift their taxes from the Arizona General Fund to the school and program of their choice. The credit is a dollar for dollar. That means you won’t owe anything extra. What this does is shift who decides how to spend your money from politicians to you – you decide!

​​​​It's All about the kids!

Without the help of our local communities and our sponsors, Discing4Kids would not be possible. Every little bit helps us give more to the kids in our program. Funds go for items such as baskets, discs, shirts, trophies, all of which directly benefit the kids. 

To help us in our pursuit of putting a disc into the hand of every kid in America please click the donate button above. This will take you directly to the Discing4Kids PayPal or Credit Card account. 

​​The public school tax credit is claimed by the individual taxpayer on Form 322. The maximum credit allowed is $400 for married filing joint filers and $200 for single, heads of household, and married filing separate filers. 

​​As a Non-Profit Organization Discing4Kids gladly accepts any and all donations to help our pursuit of giving the kids the absolute best. With your donation to Discing4Kids, we are able to provide you or your Company an, In-Kind letter. This means that your donation can be claimed as a Tax Deductible Contribution, which is just one of many benefits to donating to Discing4Kids!